2 Glenburn Road
East Kilbride
G74 5BA


Wednesday - Thursday

4.00PM - 7:00pm


4.00PM - 8.30pm


10.00AM - 7.00pm


10.00AM - 7:00pm


Opening times may vary depending on holidays.

Bookings available online.

Customer Safety Information East Kilbride


 Airthrill are committed to providing a safe jumping experience. We invest heavily in training our staff to ensure they are equipped to prevent as well as deal with potential injuries. All jumpers must watch our safety briefing and complete a waiver form before participating to ensure that everyone understands the safety rules and our court monitors will be on hand to ensure everyone is jumping safely. We insist all participants wear Airthrill gripper socks, their special grips will keep you steady on the trampolines and you will not be able to participate without them. Please find below the general park rules that apply to all participants attending Airthrill:-


  1. All participants must have a signed waver.
  2. All participants under 18 years MUST have a waiver signed by a parent or legal guardian.
  3. Participants must use all equipment in a safe and responsible manner.
  4. Access to equipment is restricted for those who do not meet the minimum age/certified jump level requirements.
  5. Children under 5 should never be left unattended and must be accompanied by an adult at all times.
  6. Absolutely no double bouncing. ( Do not attempt to propel someone higher by timing a jump as another lands on the trampoline. This may also occur when jumping on a trampoline pad with others in close proximity, so you should avoid simultaneously jumping with others close by. It is especially dangerous for larger people to double bounce smaller people).
  7. Dangerous TricksFlips and other tricks are dangerous. Perform on the trampolines at your own risk only if you have sufficient skill to avoid injuring yourself and others. No tricks, flips or somersaults are permitted on the inflatables.
  8. Airthrill branded gripper socks must be worn by all participants.
  9. ONLY Airthrill branded gripper sock are permitted in our parks.
  10. Wear appropriate clothing-Clothes must be free of hanging zippers, belts and strings.
  11. Remove all sharp, loose or pointed objects from clothing, remove jewellery and empty pockets before entering the arena. Jumping with a foreign object increases the likelihood of injury this includes keys, phones and cameras.
  12.  No running, pushing, tackling or racing
  13.  No sitting, wrestling or lying down on inflatable/ mats/ trampolines.
  14.  No climbing the trampoline or inflatable walls / netting
  15. Avoid collisions with other jumpers by paying attention to your surroundings at all times.
  16. No chewing gum, food or drink allowed in the trampoline /inflatable arena.
  17. We operate a three strikes and you’re out policy- breaking the rules, dangerous or abusive behaviour will not be tolerated
  18. Consult a Doctor prior to jumping regarding all medical conditions including recent surgery, high blood pressure, pregnancy, heart/ lung/circulatory conditions, back/ neck conditions, downs syndrome, achondroplasia (disproportionate dwarfism), Spinal/ musculoskeletal /head injury


Jumping on a trampoline can be great fun but it can also be dangerous. This is a risk of serious injury if care is not taken when using the trampolines. Using trampolines is physically demanding and involves jumping and other strenuous actions involving height, speed and unpredictable surfaces. Jumping on trampolines is a high impact, full body activity which requires intense focus, awareness of your body strengths and limitations, awareness of the environment around you and extreme caution at all times.


  • Only jump if you’re in good physical condition.
  • Do not jump if you have any pre-existing medical conditions including heart, back, neck, bone or muscle conditions.
  • Do not jump if you are or may be pregnant.
  • Do not attempt to use any of the activity equipment unless you have registered to participate, undertaken the safety briefing and signed a waiver (if you are under 18 a waiver must be signed by a parent/ guardian).
  • Before jumping loosen up with warm up stretches/ exercises.
  • If you get tired please leave the arena and take a break.
  • Always remain in control. Be aware how to bend your knees to control or stop your bounce.
  • Practice first before moving around the arena.
  • Always plan your landings before jumping.
  • Always jump and land in the centre of the trampoline and within the demarcated lines.
  • Never jump on or near the coloured pads. Injury may result from hitting the frame when control is lost. 
  • Do not exit the trampolines/inflatables by bouncing off onto the surrounding walkways. Improper transfer can result in broken ankles or other injuries. Please walk from the trampoline to decking areas.
  • Make sure you have control before leaving the trampolines.
  • Always jump so that you land on both feet at the same time. Never land with just one foot. 
  • Know your limits. Do not attempt any move beyond your own skill level. attempting manoeuvres above one’s skill and ability may cause serious injury, paralysis or death.
  • Never attempt flips or other extreme moves unless you know you are capable and have had appropriate training.
  • Do not attempt somersaultslanding on the head or neck may cause serious injury, paralysis or death, even when landing in the middle of the mat. 
  • Do not attempt double flips or triple flips even if you are capable. 
  • Do not jump or flip over other participants.
  • Strictly no double bouncing (Do not attempt to propel someone higher by timing a jump as the other person lands. This may occur on one of the larger trampoline pads with others in close proximity) Avoid simultaneous jumping.
  • Only one person is allowed at a time on a single square trampoline (10ft x 10ft). More than one person is allowed on larger trampolines, however there is an increased risk of injury from using trampolines with other participants.
  • Look out for other jumpers and give way to smaller ones.
  • Never run across trampolines.
  • No wrestling, tackling, pushing or shoving.
  • No climbing on trampolines, netting, padding or the inflatable walls.
  • No leaning, grabbing or climbing on the netting/ inflatable walls.
  • No sitting or lying on the trampolines, inflatable or the padding- if you are tired and need to rest, you must exit the arena
  • Remove all items from your pockets prior to jumping.
  • All jewellery, watches, keys, keychains, coins or the like to be removed before jumping.
  • Clothing should not have and hard or sharp points (buckles, studs, toggles etc).
  • No phones or cameras on the equipment.
  • No food, drink or chewing gum allowed in the arena.
  • Do not leave clothing on the jump arena, use storage lockers provided.
  • Approved Airthrill antislip gripper socks must be worn at all times.
  • No jumping under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
  • Always follow the Airthrill steward?s instructions. Dangerous behaviour is not tolerated and you could be asked to leave. We operate a strict three strikes and you?re out policy.
  • Maximum weight restriction is 114kg/18 stone.
  • Additional rules apply to additional activities- ensure you familiarise yourself with the activity rules prior to use. 
  • Strictly no gainers.
  • Do not slide down the angled trampolines. Friction burns may occur!
  • No headstands/ static manoeuvres i.e. Bridges, crabs, walkovers.
  • No knee drops allowed! You can land on both hands and knees at the same time, but never onto your knees alone as this can increase risk of injury to your lower back.
  • Children should never be assisted up to an obstacle. If you can’t reach it, don’t use it!
  • Under 5s must be accompanied at all times. Adults may go on the trampoline/inflatable with an under 5 but must hold both hands and NOT bounce as this can result in injury.
  • Adults cannot bounce with a child in their arms.
  • During peak times/ open jump sessions limited or no access may be permitted to children under the age of 5 years for safety reasons.

Our goal is to ensure that you have a great time and a safe time!


© Air Thrill 2024
Website by Strive Digital