Air Thrill
Unit 2
Westside Plaza Shopping Centre
Wester Hailes



4PM - 7:00pm




10AM - 7.00pm


10AM - 7:00pm

Bookings available online.


Times may differ outside School Term Time, please keep an eye on our socials for updates.

Customer Safety information Edinburgh


 Airthrill are committed to providing a safe inflatable park experience. We invest heavily in training our staff to ensure they are equipped to prevent as well as deal with potential injuries. All jumpers must watch our safety briefing and complete a waiver form before participating to ensure that everyone understands the safety rules and our court monitors will be on hand to provide necessary help and guidance. Please find below the general park rules that apply to all participants attending Airthrill:-


  1. All participants must have a signed waver.
  2. All participants under 18 years MUST have a waiver signed by a parent or legal guardian.
  3. Participants must use all equipment in a safe and responsible manner.
  4. Access to equipment is restricted for those who do not meet the minimum age/certified jump level requirements.
  5. Children under 5 should never be left unattended and must be accompanied by an adult at all times.
  6. Before jumping loosen up with warm up stretches/ exercises.
  7. No tricks, flips or sommersaults are permitted on the inflatables.
  8. Socks MUST be worn at ALL TIMES ? No bare feet. 
  9. Wear appropriate clothing- Clothes must be free of hanging zippers, belts and strings.  We recommend legs and arms are covered to avoid friction burns.
  10. Remove all sharp, loose or pointed objects from clothing , remove jewellery and empty pockets before entering the arena. Jumping with a foreign object increases the likelihood of injury this includes keys, phones and cameras.
  11. No running, pushing, tackling or racing
  12. No sitting, wrestling or lying down on inflatable/ mats.
  13. No climbing/leaning on the inflatable walls / netting
  14. Avoid collisions with other jumpers by paying attention to your surroundings at all times and give way to smaller jumpers.
  15. No chewing gum, food or drink allowed in the inflatable arena.
  16. Always follow the Airthrill court monitor?s instructions. We operate a ?three strikes and you?re out policy?- breaking the rules, dangerous or abusive behaviour will not be tolerated
  17. Only jump if you?re in good physical condition. Do not jump if you have any pre-existing medical conditions including heart, back, neck, bone or muscle conditions.
  18. Do not participate if you are pregnant
  19. Do not exit the inflatables by ?bouncing? off onto the surrounding walkways. Improper transfer can result in broken ankles or other injuries.
  20. No sitting or lying on the trampolines, inflatable or the padding- if you are tired and need to rest, you must exit the arena.
  21. Do not leave clothing on the jump arena, use storage lockers provided.
  22. No jumping under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
  23. Maximum weight restriction is 114kg/18 stone.
  24. Adults cannot bounce with a child in their arms.
  25. Unfortunately, with the exception of toddler sessions , no access may be permitted to children under the age of 4 years for safety reasons.
  26. On slides ? only slide whilst seated, feet in front of you. DO NOT slide down head first or attempt to climb up the slide. Ensure the slide exit is clear before starting your slide.
  27. In the event that any inflatable section starts to deflate, please exit the arena quickly and calmly using the nearest exit and inform a member of staff. As soon as the issue is resolved and the inflatables are fully refilled you will be able to re-enter the arena, but only do so when told by a member of staff that it is safe to do so.

Our goal is to ensure that you have a great time and a safe time!


© Air Thrill 2025
Website by Strive Digital